
Monday, 12 August 2013


Sports : Play, Do, Go

Play    is used with ball sports and competitive games where you play against another person.
          It means to take part in a game which is played with rules.
          I often play tennis.   TENNIS is a ball sport.
          Do you play poker?   POKER is a competitive game.You play to win.

Do     is used for recreational activities and a non team sport. You don't use a ball.
         Peter does karate every day.
         I do a crossword puzzle in my free time.

Go    is often used with activities that end in -ing. You go somewhere to do something.
        I am going fishing tomorrow.
        Do you go skiing?

Now play some games! Click Here


  1. Activity 1: Match the words and the pictures. Click Here!
  2. Activity 2: Let's test your memory with more games! Click Here!